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More Information About Spicy Lyrics
Spicy Lyrics 🌶
The most efficient way to check lyrical content
How Appropriate is this Song?
Spicy Lyrics finds and highlights questionable content in lyrics
Hot Words
The ones that are unacceptable in almost every scenario
Words highlighted in red let you know immediately that it's not going to be appropriate to play unless you find a well done clean version.
Mild Words
Different strokes for different folks
The mild words are highlighted in orange and are acceptable by some but others might find objection to.
Maybe Words
You be the judge
Words highlighted in yellow are either incredibly mild or they depend on the context. A word like head could be just fine or absolutely not okay, based on how it's used.
- Find the lyrics for what's playing right now or search for a song.
Use Current Song
Spicy Lyrics can get whatever song you're playing in Apple Music, search for lyrics and display them.
Search for a Song
Don't use Apple Music? No problem, just search for a song.
Paste Lyrics
Copy lyrics from your favorite lyrics page and paste them into Spicy Lyrics to see the filters.
How to Get Spicy Lyrics
Spicy Lyrics only works on iPhones, iPads, and iPods running iOS 12 or later
1Get Shortcuts App
The Shortcuts app comes on iOS 13, but on iOS 12, you'll need to download from the app store.
2Get Spicy Lyrics
On your iOS device, download the shortcut here. If you've never downloaded a Shortcut before, follow the detailed instructions below
3Leave a Tip
If you're loving Spicy Lyrics, consider supporting BeWellPlayed.com with a tip. Help keep the tools and resources here free for everybody.
- Installation Instructions
If you’ve never used Shortcuts, Apple made it difficult to download Shortcuts made by other users (with good reason. Only download Shortcuts from reputable sources unless you understand all the actions contained in the Shortcut).
- Open Shortcuts
- Install any Shortcut from the Gallery in the app
- Run the Shortcut from My Shortcuts
- Go to Settings > Shortcuts
- The previously hidden “Allow Untrusted Shortcuts” toggle appears for you to enable
- Download the Spicy Lyrics shortcut here. Submitting your email address ensures you get the latest updates and tips
The shortcut is going to want to access your Music, Google, and Genius.com. Click OK on all of these. You only need to do this the first time.
Make Spicy Lyrics run like an app from your Home Screen or Widgets.
To add Spicy Lyrics to your Home Screen and Widgets, just:
- Open the Shortcuts app
- Tap the ••• button on the Spicy Lyrics Shortcut
- Tap the ••• button at the top of the Edit screen
- Select Add to Home Screen/Show in Widget
- Don't have an iPhone?Don't get left out! Here are some solutions.
These devices will run Spicy Lyrics in the Shortcuts app
These (paid links) are the least expensive options available on Amazon. You could also check Apple's refurbished items. I've personally bought them before and they're every bit as good as a brand new device.
Please note that as an Amazon affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Know that I only recommend products I've personally used and believe are genuinely helpful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy them. You get great equipment and I get to keep offering as many resources as possible for free.
Since this is a shortcut and not an app, there are things that sometimes function incorrectly.
Using Too Much
If you use it too many times in a row, you'll exceed the Google request rate and the shortcut will stop working. If this happens, just wait a few moments.
Genius Limitations
Spicy Lyrics can only show content that is available at Genius.com
If it's unavailable, try a Google search, then copy the lyrics and use the Paste function in Spicy Lyrics.
I have run into occasions where a Google Doodle got in the way of retrieving lyrics. If this happens, just try a Google search, then copy the lyrics and use the Paste function in Spicy Lyrics.
Years ago, I started a spreadsheet that contained a database of inappropriate words for me to play in my school's gym. I used to have to paste the lyrics into the spreadsheet and it would tell me any instances of these words. When iOS released Shortcuts, it was the perfect opportunity to take it to the next level with contextual highlighting. Needless to say, this tool has been years in the making and the word list is still growing. If you encounter words that should be highlighted, please reach out to me at nick@bewellplayed.com. By signing up with your email, you'll be certain not to miss an update.
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