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Mouse Trap

Throw, Roll, or Kick Your Mouse Into the Trap

April 18, 2020

This is a companion post to Physical Education at Home. Check it out for more great Active Home resources.

Mouse Trap is the perfect game for players of all ages. All you need is:

  • A mouse: Something to throw (ball, disc, sock ball, hat, shoe, etc.)
  • A trap: Laundry basket propped up on something about a foot tall. You can also use a cardboard box if a laundry basket is not available.

How to Play Mouse Trap

Set up your trap, step back several feet, and throw to set off the trap. Can you trap your mouse inside?

Throw 10 times.

  • 1 point for setting off the trap
  • 3 points for catching your mouse

Incorporate Math!

Multiply your score by your distance from the trap. If you're 10 feet away and you score 9 points, your total score is 90.

I also want to shout out Todd @tc4pe on Twitter for sharing the inspiration for this game.


Parents may be wondering what their kids are actually learning when they play these fun games. I highly recommend sharing this video or this post so they can see it's so much more than a good time.

Treat yourself or your favorite PE teacher to the finest Phys Ed tee shirts this side of the Mississippi (both sides, really)

Recommended Reading

Rock Paper Scissors - A modern, interactive twist on the classic

Flip Decks - Interactive card flipping games. Flip the card, do the action.

Unlock My Phone - Race to tap the codes before you run out of time.

Unlock My Phone: Target Style - Throw at targets to hit as many codes as you can

The River & The Bank - A physically active brain teaser. Can you keep up and make no mistakes?

Love music but want to know what you're playing is appropriate for the kids in your life? Check out Spicy Lyrics