Watch Graveyard Twist in Action
How to Play Graveyard Twist
Graveyard Twist is a great game for working on balancing skills, levels, and pathways... or just having a blast.
Match your hands and feet to the ones that pop up on your screen. I highly recommend going through the Training Video below that teaches how to play. Each level will add additional challenges.
The best way to start is with a sheet of paper colored like the graves on the screen: yellow on top, blue on the right, red at the bottom, and green on the left. I made a printable page you can print off for each player (one page has colored headstones and another page has colored boxes).

Another fun way to play is by using red, green, yellow, and blue poly spots.
For players at home: It's easier to get set up by just grabbing four toys or other small objects that are red, green, yellow and blue. Then setting those on the floor as your playing area.

Pro Tip: For younger students, just have them match what comes up without worrying about the position or color. So if two hands and a foot come out of the graves, they just put two hands and a foot on the ground.
Parents may be wondering what their kids are actually learning when they play these fun games. I highly recommend sharing this video or this post so they can see it's so much more than a good time.
The Levels
- Right now, The Training Level as well as Levels 1 and 2 are on YouTube.
- Levels 1 - 4 are available right now with a PLAY subscription, where you can stream all Be Well Played videos and games ad-free and on any device.
- Check out Dia de los Muertos and Thanksgiving versions below!
Need some good music while you play? Check out my Halloween Playlist
Training Level
Pro tip: For younger students, you can hit the gear icon and change the speed to make it slower!
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Level 1
Pro tip: For younger students, you can hit the gear icon and change the speed to make it slower!
Level 2
Levels 3 & 4
Play levels 3 and 4 right now at PLAY: Interactive Arcade, where you have access to all Be Well Played games and ad-free videos!
Celebrate Dia de los Muertos!
Here's a special version I made to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. Level 1 is the same as the original with a slightly different look.
Nivel 1 (level 1)
Nivel 2 (level 2)
Levels 3 & 4
Play levels 3 and 4 right now at PLAY: Interactive Arcade, where you have access to all Be Well Played games and ad-free videos!
Thanksgiving Version
Celebrate Thanksgiving (or Autumn Harvest, if you're not into the whole brevity thing) by escaping scalding food, napping with turkeys, and throwing/kicking footballs. Watch Level 1 right here (or on YouTube). Levels 2 and 3 are in the Arcade.
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Treat Yo' Self
To the finest PE apparel this side of the Mississippi (doesn't matter which side you're on)